The Fluid Applied’s Rising Tide

Fluid Applied Growth

In the last 15 years the Fluid Applied industry as a whole has been gaining traction in all facets. In the last 5-7 years, the curve has been virtually straight up. This is also a growth trend that doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The list of FA products and systems available are long & extensive. Today we are going to talk specifically about waterproofing/air barrier, insulating & roofing systems.

On the waterproofing & Air Barrier front, Fluid Applied systems are proving themselves to be front runners in the industry, solving age old building envelope waterproofing issues. A couple companies that have really took a front running position are PolyWall and Prosoco. These 2 companies have amazing products for basement/wall fluid applied membranes and sealants that eliminate the typical failures we see with sheet systems failing at the seams. Remember the primer behind the sheet product typically is not serving as a quality waterproofing system.

The Prosoco line of products focus mainly on above ground & include air and water barriers, liquid flashings, & joint/seam fillers. They have proven products that even have a Cat 5 (155 mph+ wind rating). Using these 2 companies line of products allow you the contractor to apply proven products/systems to buildings. This lets you be confident and know that they are going to perform and do the job that you were hired to do.

“On the Insulating side it is pretty well dominated by spray foam. “

Spray foam’s ability to be applied by a trained professional allows it to go on in a liquid state and then expand 30-100x its volume to fill any voids and stop airflow all while providing a stable R value. When you combine spray foam with your exterior water/vapor/air barriers you create a building that is ideal for energy efficiency and healthy air quality. As long as you work with a quality HVAC that understands air exchanges and air tightness in construction then your on your way to a quality building envelope.

Now lets move to the roof of the building. The line of Fluid Applied products and systems for roofing has literally exploded exponentially in the last decade. They have taken a larger piece of the pie in commercial roofing, & its one that continues to grow annually. Some major players in this field are Progressive Materials (Mainly silicon), Tropical (Mainly Silicon), Aldo (multiple chemistries), Henry (acrylic & silicon), 838 Coatings (multiple chemistries), Gaco Western ( Mainly silicon), & the Conklin Roofing Systems which produces multiple chemistries.

I have personally used almost if not all of the manufacturers listed above. Most if not all the products have all served the purpose that we used them for. But our go to systems have predominately been the Conklin Roofing Systems for a handful of reasons. Firstly the products are some of the highest quality products that we have used. Secondly the training and knowledge base that is available from other existing veteran Conklin contractors is available to new contractors. Thirdly is the companies proven longevity (42+ yrs) and systems approach to roofing. They are not called Conklin Coatings, it is Conklin Roofing Systems for a reason.

“They provide in house almost every product required for their systems.”

Those products include cleaners, caulks, fabrics, primers, coatings and specialty products in certain circumstances. Their 40+ years of successful manufacturing is an added bonus and peace of mind to have in your corner as well. If you have any interests in learning more about the fluid applied roofing industry then shoot us an email at We would gladly help you position yourself for success.

No matter how you slice or spray it the Fluid Applied Industry is growing and does not look to be slowing down. It is a huge opportunity for you as a Coatings contractor to capitalize on an industries growth. This allows you to provide services and solutions that will solve your clients problems.

How Do I get into the Commercial Roof Coatings Industry!!!


I have guys constantly contact me and ask how do I get into the Commercial Roof coatings Industry? Now let me be blunt and say that there is NO single thing that just gets you rolling care free. If it was that easy the perceived liability would be gone and everyone would be doing it thus the profit margins would be little to zero. BUUUUUTTTTTT there are a few things that we have seen used that have been proven by dozens upon dozens of contractors and if followed have increased the % of success to an amazingly high number. Here are a few of those steps to get things rolling.

1: Set up a contractor account with your chosen manufacturer.
2: Choose a Company Name (add the word coatings to it) or start a new commercial division for better brand awareness.
3: Get busy with any form of marketing to get publicity &/or exposure. Tell EVERYONE you know what you are now involved with and that any referrals would be extremely helpful.

“People want to help”

4: Get to the next manufacturer provided training as soon as you can and commit to make a go of it.
5: Commit yourself or an employee to 20 cold calls a week for next 6 months minimum and record all address’s in a database for future marketing
6: Get a seo optimized website specifically for your coatings division.

“A company without a digital fingerprint doesn’t exist in today’s market.”

7: Blast a (min) 5-7k piece DM campaign and be prepared to do it 2-3x per year
8: Follow up with bid opportunities in 48 hrs or less, & show up when you say you are going to be there.
9: Do demos & face to face presentations in every bid opp if possible.

“Lead deficit disorder is one of the fastest ways to fail in a new business”

10: Stay committed and persistent

If you are interested in a proven training platform, equipment supplier, vast experience in the Industry, and a support system to help you succeed then contact us from our page and lets see if we can be a fit.

Chad Hedrick

Chad Hedrick, owner of Roof Coating Life commits to helping 10 new Contractors succeed in the Fluid Applied Industry each year. He’s selective in this process because realistically, his time is limited. He offers his valuable time and best mentor ship to the guys who are serious about making 30%-50% profits with Roof Coatings. Check out the Requirements for working with Chad to see if you might qualify.

Get the FREE eBook “7 Unique Ways To Market Your Fluid Applied Roofing Business.” It’s packed with outside the box Marketing Strategies (Strategy #6 landed us 5 commercial projects last Summer!) that will help you best serve your clients and live the Roof Coating Life like a boss.

How do you Stretch your Leadership Growth?


I was recently at a manufacture’s National Convention and was able to be trained by some of the world’s best Leadership trainers: Dr. John C Maxwell, Dr Doug Firebaugh & Pastor Craig Groeschel. Leaders of this magnitude are few and far between and when you have a power packed line up like them, you shut down all distractions, open up all your available brain power and absorb it all in.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses:

That weekend has been a game changer for me in the way of opening my eyes to the areas of leadership that I am seriously lacking in. Craig Groeschel helped me realize my strengths and how I can build on them. It also opened my eyes to know that there are things I am equally struggling in or have a weakness in. By identifying my weaknesses, I can do my best to create a system that helps me strengthen them. Internally I have to create a support system that works, that makes me aware of the issue, and allows me to seek help to develop it or even just accept that weakness and learn to deal with it.

Discovering a Defining Trait of Leadership: Discipline

Learning from both Maxwell & Groeschel that a true defining trait of leadership, is discipline. It is not what we do occasionally but what we do consistently that builds the confidence and drive that is needed to build our leadership to all new levels. Maxwell and Groeschel both stated that the secret to success is doing something every day and not shooting for doing something in an “All Day” effort. Consistency compounds efforts and results.

Failing Forward:

One of Maxwells key points was to fail forward and fail faster. If we strive for this cycle of success, we are always in a growth/learning mode. By testing, failing, learning, improving and then repeating you are always moving forward. Maxwell stated to quit counting your losses and start counting your lessons.

Being Intentional:

Doing all of these things with specific intentionality will help you reach your goals sooner and more often. To move forward in your coating business, work on things to intentionally stretch yourself farther as a leader. Do them daily and stay focused.

The Winning Success Formula:

If you can find your purpose in life, incorporate it into what you do and continually add value to the people that you are around daily, you are in route to a truly fulfilled life. If we can be of any help on your journey, reach out and let’s grow together.

Chad Hedrick, Roof Coating Life
“We Bleed White”

Chad Hedrick, owner of Roof Coating Life commits to helping 10 new Contractors succeed in the Fluid Applied Industry each year. He’s selective in this process because realistically, his time is limited. He offers his valuable time and best mentor ship to the guys who are serious about making 30%-50% profits with Roof Coatings. Check out the Requirements for working with Chad to see if you might qualify.

Get the FREE eBook “7 Unique Ways To Market Your Fluid Applied Roofing Business.” It’s packed with outside the box Marketing Strategies (Strategy #6 landed us 5 commercial projects last Summer!) that will help you best serve your clients and live the Roof Coating Life like a boss.